Appropriation of public space and urban infrastructure for leisure physical activity (ALPhA) 
-Lagos and Yaoundé stakeholder workshop reports

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As part of the research project on Informal Appropriation of Public Space for Leisure Physical Activity in Lagos and Yaoundé, led by the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the Universities of Lagos and Yaoundé, the ALPhA research team hosted a first stakeholder workshop on the 14th September 2021 in Lagos and on the 21st September 2021 in Yaoundé.

The aim of the workshops in both cities was to provide a platform for urban stakeholders to discuss challenges, share best practices and understand the influence and impact of leisure physical activities in shaping the form and function of African cities.

The workshop was attended, in person and virtually (via zoom), by 32 delegates in Lagos and 43 delegates in Yaoundé, representing organisations from diverse sectors including academia/professional, government, multilateral, non-governmental/civil society and private sector organisations.

Workshop participants gained a better understanding of the relationship between health and public spaces and of the preliminary findings from the ALPhA project. They also shared their perspectives on governance of public spaces informally appropriated for physical activity in Yaoundé and Lagos.

Read the detailed reports for the Lagos and Yaoundé workshops.

..And read the accompanying policy brief.

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