Community of Practice

ISUH Africa urban health community of practice.

The Africa Action Group of the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) brings together scholarly, government, non-governmental, private sector and community-based actors in/of the African continent to exchange knowledge and practices to advance urban health and promote health equity in the region.  

We place a strong emphasis on involvement of people at the early-mid career stage from all sectors including academia, government and the private sector.

In recognition of the critical importance of cross-sectoral collaboration, we welcome engagement from academics, government officials, community actors, civil society organizations, private sector and non-governmental organisations. The group places a strong emphasis on involvement of people at the early-mid career stage from all sectors including academia, government and the private sector.

To establish a strong community of practice in the Africa region, the group will host collaborative activities to foster shared learning, knowledge exchange and public engagement, connecting and mobilising individuals, communities, organisations and cities for healthy sustainable urban environments.

What we do

We hold virtual exchanges on a regular basis with participants and invited speakers sharing their experiences of intersectoral action for urban health. Each session, pre-identified lead discussants, sets the scene for interactive discussions by sharing a case study/project, which could be research, advocacy, policy or promising practice that illustrates intersectoral collaboration approaches on a thematic topic area.

We also aim to provide training to equip participants with transdisciplinary research collaboration tools to integrate health into urban policy and practice.

Urban Better is pleased to host resources and information on these events.

In addition to this core activity, over time, we will engage with Community of Practice members to identify activities that you would find most valuable to support your work. Possible examples include:

  • Connect urban health expertise and demand across the continent to encourage transdisciplinary research partnerships within and between cities and countries.
  • Share information about relevant regional events, such as conferences and seminars related to urban health.
  • Share training opportunities (including online), short courses, scholarship and fellowship opportunities.
  • Share calls for proposals and webinars and mobilise members to respond to call for proposals.
  • Regularly evaluate the impact of the action group including the extent to which new connections between sectors and cities, research partnerships and other collaborations (e.g. technical advisory) are being made.


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International Society for Urban Health
Steering Group
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