The second webinar hosted by the Africa Community of Practice of the ISUH on the 28th of April 2022 centered around “Urban Health Governance”. This was a sequel to the inaugural webinar which is part of the Urban Health in Africa Webinar Series. The speakers included actors from local government, UN-Habitat and research organizations who shared their practical experience of urban governance and tools and best practices for supporting health through urban governance.
The webinar started off with Dr. Remy Sietchiping from UN-Habitat highlighting the tools and principles to consider for urban health governance. He also discussed the key areas for health emergency preparedness in cities as Africa experiences rapid urbanization. From a more practical perspective, Dr. Bouya, the advisor to the Governor of Berkane Province in Morocco spoke about the Role of Digitalization in Urban Governance in Africa; mapping the health needs of the population as done in Morocco, putting urban health governance into practice using data and the use of GIS to promote urban health governance. Ms. Ivy Chumo from the Urbnaization and Well-being Unit of the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) rounded off the speakers’ presentations discussing Unpicking Power for Urban Health Governance: Participatory Action Research. Her presentation brought a rich research perspective and community-based approach to urban governance.
In break out groups, webinar participants engaged in fruitful discussions and addressed other applications of urban governance, examples of health being integrated into other sectors and identified which actors are involved in these processes as well as those who are missing from the conversation.
Interactive board from breakout group discussions
This event is part of the quarterly virtual webinar series of the ISUH Africa Community of Practice, bringing together urban health practitioners, researchers and policy actors to exchange knowledge and share promising practices to improve urban health in Africa.
Join the Community of Practice.
Speaker slides are available below: